We provide both ‘Live’ and ‘Blended learning’ First Aid Training for companies large and small, members of the public, sports clubs, coaching groups, schools, colleges, leisure centres, health clubs, community groups and busy individuals. One to one tuition is available as well as group tuition. Our focus is broken down into 3 key areas
- Understand what first aid is and the regulations governing it.
- The role of the first aider
- How to manage and deal with emergency situations
- The priorities of first aid
- Caring for, and communicating with casualties
- How to perform a primary and secondary survey
- The treatment and care for an unconscious casualty
- The recovery position
- Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation
- Choking, Bleeding, eye and head injuries
- Treatment of shock
- Treatment of sprains and strains, dislocations and fractures
- Treatment of Strokes, Asthma, Epilepsy and Chest Pains
- Burns and Scalds
- The recording of Incidents and First Aid Actions
- Course evaluation and closure
A nationally registered first aid certificate (registered with FAIB valid for three years), will be issued on completion of a course. Though the certificate will last 3 years, we recommend that the course is attended every two years.